Supplement the Idle Free Awareness campaign toolkit from Utah Clean Cities with these resources.
- Breathe Utah's Air Quality Curriculum Guide.
- Breathe Utah's Emergency Air-Quality Plan for classrooms, schools, families or individuals.
- Breathe Utah's "Idling Gets you Nowhere" - 1/4 page flier to hand out to idling drivers, or to pass out at schools.
- Order Idle-Free signs for your school or business from Salt Lake City.
- Order idle-free decals for your car from Utah Clean Cities.
- Idle Free Awareness Week sample flier from Breathe Utah.
Contact Breathe Utah for:
- Idle Free/Air Awareness Week assembly PowerPoint presentation from Breathe Utah
- How to do an Idle Free Week at your school PowerPoint.
- Report an idling vehicle online to Salt Lake City.
- Idle-Free full color brochure.